Whether you are visiting us again or are new to our area; we have curated lodging options that you can enjoy.

New and available to our interns and fellows, Griffiss Institute has partnered with Mohawk Valley Community College of Utica to offer summer housing inside the quadrants of their college campus. Submerse yourself into a community of others while staying on their beautiful grounds with access to their gym, indoor swimming pool, tennis courts, and convenient bus lines. Dorms have a community kitchen, shared bathrooms and common areas.
Airbnb's can offer a unique aspect to your visit, with a more of a lived in feel and privacy. We recommend staying in the Utica-Rome region for traveling convenience to and from the Innovare Advancement Center, but encourage you to get out an explore Upstate NY.

The area's hotels are full of welcoming staff that treat our guests like family. Rates are subject to change.

We have everything within just one region here in Upstate NY. While we don't directly provide lodging for our guests, we hope this information guides you to find the lodging that best meets your needs. If you have any questions on a particular place, location or would like more information on the area please feel free to contact GI guest relations.

Lodging and Travel PDF

campus dorm

Full use of campus facilities. Including fitness center, volleyball net, corn hole, track, and pool during open swim hoursClick here for tour
For summer interns and visiting professors

Amy James,
Guest Relations

Kelly Poynter,
Community Events Coordinator

Call us at 315-838-1696
or drop us a line at Facility@griffissinstitute.org