3rd Annual International Quantum Information Science Workshop

3rd Annual International Quantum Information Science Workshop
Virtual Event | June 22-24, 2021

The Innovare Advancement Center is proud to host this collaborative virtual quantum networking event offering participants thought-provoking presentations, live panel discussions, and engaging technical dialogue. This event is an opportunity for those in the field of quantum science and technology to interact and share perspectives with an already established network of leading scientists, engineers, researchers, and entrepreneurs.
Our mission is to excite, entice, and spark your minds so we can collectively push forth innovative ideas that build a global quantum future. Keynotes feature leading experts in the field of Quantum Information Science.
Dr. William D. PhillipsDr. Tatjana CurcicProf. Dana Anderson
Tuesday, June 22
Dr.William D. Phillips
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Nobel Laureate in Physics in 1997
Wednesday, June 23
Dr. Tatjana Curcic
Defense Sciences Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Thursday, June 24
Prof. Dana Anderson
Co-Founder of ColdQuanta, Professor of Physics at University of Colorado Boulder
QIS 3.0 event partners

The acceptance window for white papers is now closed.

Please send your questions to AFRL.RI.QIS@us.af.mil
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